"Wert is returning with a new album, As We Go Wandering, bringing a rejuvenated voice to Possessed By Paul James. Where There Will Be Nights was crying out on behalf of the dilemmas faced by families, students, and teachers nationwide, As We Go Wandering brings a sense of peace. But as the title suggests, in Possessed By Paul James’ estimation, perhaps counterintuitively, peace, rest, and movement dance hand in hand."
- Hearth Music Group

After 20 plus years working within the realms of special education & advocacy work, Konrad Wert known as the band Possessed by Paul James, finally finds himself performing & sharing his music full time since July of 2021. While raising a family in Texas & working a 50 hr work week within the classroom, Wert has still been able to release 5 full length albums, two of which topped Bluegrass Billboard charts in 2013 & 2020. Possessed by Paul James’s upcoming 6th album, titled Fighting For Our Own Survival, set to release this upcoming year, highlights life’s passage with such tracks as See You On Sunday; recorded live here with WAF in Laramie, Wyoming & accompanied by Joe Macheret on fiddle.

Well it took me long enough ha ha. Friends thank you for your continued support. Since 2020 life has been both a pickle, one of extremes, joyful, and filled with loss. Our new album, released here in June of '23, is a result of losing so many friends and family due to the Covid years and life's passing. Now due to our boy's health conditions, music is present but prioritizing budgets over the family's well being is very much secondary. These songs were meant to be shared with ya. I hope ya smile, cry, kiss yer partner/friend or even a stranger, as it's important to feel and share such feelings before time is lost. Enjoy it. Share your enjoyment. Here's to ya - Konrad
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